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Our Program

Students in American School in Taichung (AST) develop their interests in VEX Robotics by taking Robotics class, joining Robotics club, and participating in the ASTonishing Vex Robotics Team. 

AST Robotics Class


AST Robotics Class offers students class time to delve into STEM-related fields by exploring and building up robotics projects. ASTonishing Vex Robotics Team participants would utilize class periods to work on their robots, write programs, and discuss game strategies. 

ASTonishing Vex Team


Established in 2018, ASTonishing is a young team consisting of leaders, critical thinkers, and collaborators. As the rookie teams, team 66799A and 66799B worked as a team and defeated their lack of experience in Vex Robotics. Even though they confronted several obstacles during the process, they encouraged each other and dedicated countless hours to improve the teams' caliber, and team 66799A even won the invitation to the 2019 Vex Robotics World Championship as a rookie team. A year after, ASTonishing became one of the toughest teams in Taiwan. During the TAI-VEX Tower Takeover tournament that AST hosted, team 66799A won the Tournament Champion, Robot Skills Champion, and Think Award. In the Formosa VEX Tower Takeover 2019, team 66799A took the first seed in the qualification matches and brought back Excellence Award and Robot Skills Champion to AST. 

AST Robotics Club


AST Robotics Club provides opportunities for ASTonishing Team participants to make connections with non-ASTonishing Team members by exchanging fascinating engineering ideas or sophisticated robot designs and mechanics. In addition to nurturing connections, team 66799A and 66799B hosted small Vex scrimmages in AST's robotics classroom. Prior to the TAI-VEX Change Up tournament and Formosa VEX Change Up 2020, AST invited team 73335A and 73335T from Taichung, Taiwan to not only foster teamwork skills but also get familiar with the atmosphere of the actual competitions. 

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